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 身体健康是从物质意义对人的生活质量的理解。下面是我带来的 医学英语 科普 文章 ,欢迎阅读!



 Five-a-Day "No Benefit" 每日五份没效果

 One of the most commonly-held beliefs regarding health and nutrition in the UK has beenfound to be untrue, according to a new scientific study.

 For many years British people have been recommended to eat at least 'five-a-day' ? that isfive items of fruit or vegetables every day in order to improve their health and reduce thelikelihood of illness, in particular cancer.

 The recommendation was first put forward in 1990 by the World Health Organizationwhich said that the 'five-a-day' diet could prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

 Since then the advice has been a mainstay of public health policies in many developedcountries, such as the UK, where the population eat a high proportion of junk food.

 Many health campaigns have promoted the advice, and indeed much food packaging inBritain states how the contents will constitute part of your five-a-day.

 However, a study of 500,000 Europeans from 10 different countries refutes the commonly-believed suggestion that up to 50% of cancers could be prevented by increasing the public'sconsumption of fruit and vegetables.

 Instead the study, which is led by researchers from a well-respected New York medicalschool, estimates that only 2.5% of cancers could be averted by eating more fruit and veg.

 It seems that the key to avoiding cancers is to have an overall healthy lifestyle whichincludes not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, taking exercise and avoiding obesity.

 But medical charities have spoken out to remind people that diet is an important factor instaying healthy, and that even a 2.5% reduction in cancers is still a positive step.

 Cancer Research UK said: "It's still a good idea to eat your five-a-day but remember thatfruits and vegetables are pieces in a much larger lifestyle jigsaw."



 legionnaires' disease is a serious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia. legionnaires' disease is caused by infection with legionella bacteria which are found naturally in the environment and thrive in warm water and warm damp places. man-made water systems sometimes provide environments that let legionella bacteria increase to large numbers. these man-made systems include showers, spa pools, fountains, and air conditioning cooling towers. people usually get legionnaires' disease by breathing in mists that come from a water source contaminated with legionella bacteria.

 an estimated 8,000 to 18,000 people get legionnaires' disease in the united states each year. some people can be infected with legionella bacteria and have mild symptoms or no illness at all. patients with legionnaires' disease usually have fever, chills, and a cough, which may be dry or may produce sputum. some patients also have muscle aches, headache, tiredness, loss of appetite, and, occasionally, diarrhea. from the time of infection with legionella bacteria, it takes 2-10 days for symptoms to appear. in most cases, symptoms begin after 5-6 days. legionnaires' disease is treated with antibiotics, such as erythromycin. the earlier that treatment is begun, the better the outcome.

 the first known outbreak of legionnaires' disease was in philadelphia, usa, in 1976. a total of 221 people contracted the disease and 34 died. most of those that died were legionnaires and that's how the disease got its name. the second largest outbreak was at the stafford hospital in england in 1985; a total of 101 people contracted the disease and 28 died.






 For women who want to have children, planning the right time is a difficult decision. In recent years, many women have opted to put off having kids until their late 20s and well into their 30s ? focusing on finishing school, building their careers, traveling, and maybe even paying down their student loans before taking the leap into parenthood. Statistics show that women are waiting longer and longer to have kids ? the current average age of first-time moms is up to 26.3, up from 24.9 just 15 years ago.


 The choice to have children is extremely personal and of course there?s no wrong answer when it comes to being ready to be a mom. But according to Dr. Gillian Lockwood, medical director at the Midland Fertility Clinic in the UK, there is an ideal age when our bodies are best suited to pregnancy. Can you guess what it is?

 要孩子的选择是一个非常私人的话题,选择什么时候做母亲都没有错。但是英国米德兰生育诊所的医学主任Gillian Lockwood表示,我们的身体有一个最佳的生育年龄。你能猜到是多少岁吗?

 I?ll give you a hint: it?s when many of us have a quarter-life crisis. Also: when it finally becomes affordable to rent a car.


 Yep. According to Lockwood, the ideal age to get pregnant is 25.


 Unfortunately, says Dr. Lockwood, it?s also the age when motherhood is low on many women?s list of priorities. She explained in the Evening Standard:


 ?Age 25 is exactly the time when today?s young women have left university, are trying to get off on a good career, trying to pay back their student loans, trying to find someone who wants to have babies with them and trying to get on the housing ladder.?

 ?25岁的当代年轻女性刚刚大学 毕业 ,事业起步,忙于偿还助学贷款,找男朋友,努力买房。?

 Dr. Lockwood also had some harsh words about fertility treatments being marketed as a viable option to women over 40. ?The bleak reality is that the chance of IVF working with your own eggs once you are 40 is absolutely abysmal,? she said. ?Would we let, yet alone encourage, patients to pay for an elective operation with a less than five percent chance of working While that may be Dr. Lockwood?s opinion, plenty of wannabe parents may be happy to take those chances.


 It?s worth reiterating that there are so many factors that inform the choice to have kids and only you can decide when ? and IF ? you want to become a mother. Whether you choose to have kids at 20, 30, 40, or beyond; biologically, through a surrogate, or via adoption, always listen to your own body and make the decision that makes sense for your own life. You know what?s right for you.



温室效应的行不行呢?(GLOBAL WARMING)

Everywhere you look right now you will hear about the pheonomia of “global warming.” To understand global warming you need to understand the difference between climate and weather. Climate, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is “the average course or condition of the weather at a place over a period of years as exhibited by tepemperature, wind velocity, and precipition” while weather is the “state of the atmosphere with respectto heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness” (Webster). Therefore climate describes the weather over time. Climate change and global warming are frequently used interchangeable but like climate and weather they do have different definitions. “Climate change refers to any significant change in measures of climate for an extended period” and global warming is an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in global climate.

Global warming is caused by several causes such as pollution from factories, carbon dioxide from rotting trees, the burning of coal, natural gasses and fossil fuels lead to methane travelling into the Earth's atmosphere any transportation vehicles, water vapour, and many other little things, which contribute to make global warming even worse.

Scientists have different opinions about whether the current global warming is natural or unusual. Some believe that it is part of the Eath's natural cycle of warming and cooling. However most believe that what we are now experiencing is unusual and has been caused by human activities.

Another great contributor to Global Warming is water Vapour. You may be thinking how does water vapour contribute to Global Warming, well the answer is water vapour does not directly contribute to Global Warming. It contributes to the Greenhouse Effect, which then leads to Global Warming. In fact, water vapour makes up sixty percent of the Greenhouse gasses, twenty percent is carbon dioxide and the other twenty percent is caused by nitrous oxide , methane , ozone and other varieties of gasses.

We can help to reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emmissions in order to help to stop the global warming and climate change.



Water and robots on Mars chosen as tops in 2004 by 'Science'

WASHINGTON — The conclusive discovery by a pair of wheeled robots that Mars once had vast pools of water and possibly could have harbored life was chosen by the editors of the journal Science as the most important scientific achievement of 2004.

Scientists announced in March that the Mars once played host to salty seas. This Mars Express image indicates water erosion.

NASA's two Mars rovers(漫游者)Opportunity and Spirit, landed on the Red Planet early in 2004 and have since found clear and conclusive evidence that Mars was drenched with(浸透) water at some time in its history.

The editors of Science, one of the world's leading publishers of peer-reviewed, original research, judged the robotic accomplishment as the top scientific "Breakthrough of the Year."

"Inanimate, wheeled, one-armed boxes roaming another planet have done something no human has ever managed," Science reported in this week's edition. "They have discovered another place in the universe where life could once have existed."

Nine other scientific achievements, including discovery of another species of human, were selected as runners-up, but Science editor-in-chief Donald Kennedy said "there wasn't much doubt about this year's winner."

Opportunity and Spirit found unmistakable proof of Martian water: rippled sediments(沉积物) that were once at the bottom of a shallow sea, and rock that once was so water-soaked that "it had rotted," the journal said.

"Their finds mark a milestone in humankind's search for life elsewhere in the universe," Science said.

Kennedy said one of the most important messages from the remote exploration is "the extraordinary efficiency of these robot missions."

He said it is clear that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration must not abandon its robotic exploration while gearing up for President Bush's program to send humans to the moon and later to Mars.

"To do one at the expense of the other would be a mistake," Kennedy said. "It remains to be demonstrated what a human exploration could do that we can't do now or couldn't do in the next 10 years with robotic technology."

The first runner-up for breakthrough of the year was the discovery on the Indonesian island of Flores of fossils from a species of tiny humans who stood about 3 feet tall and had a brain less than a third the size of modern humans. Yet, the diminutive(小的) hominid(原始人) lived about 18,000 years ago. This suggests that Homo floresiensis shared the Earth with Homo sapiens(人类), or modern people. Science said some described the find as "the biggest discovery in half a century of anthropological research."

Third on Science's list of 2004 breakthroughs was the cloning of human embryos by South Korean researcher Woo San Hwang and his colleagues. The work was not an attempt to genetically duplicate a human. Instead, the researchers hoped to make embryonic stem cells for research purposes. Although many other mammals have been cloned, the work was the first to demonstrate that cloning techniques would work with human cells.

Following are the rest of Science's 2004 selections.

4. U.S. and Austrian scientists created a new form of condensate(冷凝物), an ultracold gas that slips into a quantum state where a group of atoms act as a single superatom. The achievement was notable because it used fermions(费米子), a class of atoms with a nuclear structure that makes it difficult to create a condensate.

5. Scientists discovered that "junk DNA," the base pairs between known genes in the human genetic structure, play an important role. Several research teams have found that DNA between genes helps determine how vigorously and often the genes are activated and shapes the coding for protein production.

6. Astronomers discovered a pair of neutron stars(中子星) locked in orbit of each other and spewing out beams of radiation. Both objects are pulsars(脉冲星), rapidly flickering on and off with pulses of energy. One object is pulsing at the rate of 44 times a second. By studying the radiation, astronomers hope for the first time to learn about the density of matter within a neutron star.

7. Naturalists tracking the fate of wild species worldwide reported bad news. A survey of amphibians(两栖动物) found that of 5,700 known species, about 30% were at risk of extinction. A survey in the United Kingdom found that butterflies, songbirds and native plant species are all losing ground in the battle for species survival.

8. It is one of the most common and universally known substances, but researchers are still learning more about water. Several teams of researchers made new discoveries about how water molecules(分子) bind together and how electrons(电子) and protons(质子) dissolve in water. Some of the findings are questioned and Science noted: "Water still gives researchers much to scratch their heads about."

9. A new form of research and aid is creating "a revolution in public health," said Science. The partnership of public and private organizations worldwide is changing the way drugs are developed, tested and distributed to the poorest nations on Earth, the journal said. Researchers tallied at least 92 public-private partnerships worldwide attacking such diseases as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV.

10. Researchers have developed techniques to identify genes in ocean water or in specimens recovered from deep underground. Thousands of new genes have been found. By sequencing these genes, researchers hope to identify news species and, perhaps, learn how organisms survive in harsh and forbidding locations on Earth.





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    本文概览:网上科普有关“医学英语科普文章”话题很是火热,小编也是针对医学英语科普文章寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。 身体健康是从...



