1, canteens often do not eat fresh or perishable food? ()
A regular B occasionally almost no D not C
2, in the canteen food magazines do you get off? ()
A regular all-you-can eat B, but never the number of small C
3, canteens are open vegetable? ()
A is B rather than C is not clear
4, Do you think the usefulness of vegetables canteen open? ()
A very useful basic B useful C completely useless useless D
7, you are satisfied with the canteen food? ()
A very satisfied with the B satisfied D not satisfied with the general C is not satisfied with the E
8, canteen meals do you think the main problem of the existence of which of the following? (Can be selected) ()
A taste dishes inappropriate species B not C-rich food hot and cold meals are not enough for D Health E food too much or too little amount of F High G price H canteen food is not fresh enough food nutrition I half-baked
If you have the option F Please continue to answer the question of 10 ~ 11, no election can be skipped
9, do you average a day (three meals a day means a solution in the canteen) in the number of canteens for the consumer? ()
A7 yuan of $ B7 ~ 9 of $ C9 ~ 10 million more than D10
10, do you think the average daily spending in the school canteen a more reasonable number? ()
A7 yuan of $ B7 ~ 9 of $ C9 ~ 10 million more than D10
11, canteens you satisfied with the dining environment? ()
A very satisfied with the B satisfied D not satisfied with the general C is not satisfied with the E
12, do you think of the dining environment canteens following which the main problem? (Can be selected) ()
A canteen with hot or cold temperature over B litter C litter serious overcrowding D staff can not clean the desktop or on the ground is too noisy for Health and E, the impact of air pollution in the normal dining F
21, what do you want to improve the canteen?
Comparison of our school canteen hot, summer feel uncomfortable. The types of meals are also relatively small. Although the price fair, but not enough to weight. The sanitary conditions of the canteen, but not big enough, every time a long row right.
Hope canteen installed air-conditioning, and the expansion which enables us to better eating environment.
1、食堂是否经常吃到不新鲜或者变质的食物?( )
A经常 B偶尔 C几乎没有 D没有
2、在食堂的食物中你是否吃到过杂志?( )
A经常吃到 B吃到过,但次数不多 C从来没有
3、食堂的菜价是否公开?( )
A是 B不是 C不清楚
4、你觉得食堂公开菜价是否有用?( )
A非常有用 B比较有用 C基本没用 D完全没有用
7、你对食堂饭菜是否满意? ( )
A很满意 B满意 C一般 D不太满意 E很不满意
8、你认为食堂饭菜主要存在下列哪些问题?(可多选)( )
A口味不合适 B菜式品种不够丰富 C饭菜冷热程度不适合 D饭菜不够卫生 E饭菜量过多或过少 F价格偏高 G食品不新鲜 H食堂饭菜不够营养 I半生不熟
9、你平均一天(指三餐均在食堂解决)在食堂的消费为多少?( )
A7元以下 B7~9元 C9~10元 D10元以上
10、你认为平均每天在学校食堂花销多少比较合理?( )
A7元以下 B7~9元 C9~10元 D10元以上
11、你对食堂的就餐环境是否满意?( )
A很满意 B满意 C一般 D不太满意 E很不满意
12、你认为食堂的就餐环境主要存在下列哪些问题?(可多选)( )
A食堂内温度过冷或过热 B乱丢乱抛现象严重 C过于拥挤 D工作人员不能及时打扫桌面或地面卫生 E过于喧闹,影响正常就餐 F空气混浊
首先看一下公司员工的地域分布图 然后做一些调查,最好能做访谈 或者用问卷的方式调查也可以的,一般的项目主要就是 1.饭堂的服务态度 2.饭堂的分量 3.饭堂的饭菜质量 3.饭堂的卫生 4.最不喜欢吃的菜 5.最喜欢吃的菜 然后自己做一下分析 能取得大同就算成功了,不可能让 所用的人同意的