1. Complex buying behavior 复杂的购买行为
Complex buying behavior refers to consumers facing precious items that are not often purchased, such as Luxury products, cars and houses. Due to the large brand differentiation and high purchase risks, consumers need a learning process to broadly understand the product's performance and characteristics, thus have a certain view on the product, and finally decide whether to buy.
2. Transformational buying behavior 广泛选择的购买行为
Transforming buying behavior refers to the type of consumer purchase behavior of products that are not willing to take a long time to select and evaluate for products with obvious brand differences, such as cosmetics, food, etc.
又叫做寻求多样化购买行为。如果一个消费者购买的商品品牌间差异虽大,但可供选择的品牌 很多时,他们并不花太多的时间选择品牌,而且也不专注于某一产品,而是经常变换品种。比如购买饼干,他们上次买的是巧克力夹心,而这次想购买奶油夹心。这种品种的更换并非 对上次购买饼干的不满意,而是想换换口味。
面对这种广泛选择的购买行为,当企业处于市场优势地位时,应注意以充足的货源占据货架的有利位置,并通过提醒性的广告促成消费者建立习惯性购买行为;而当企业处于非市场优 势地位时,则应以降低产品价格、免费试用、介绍新产品的独特优势等方式,鼓励消费者进 行多种品种的选择和新产品的试用。
3. Coordinated buying behavior 减少不协调感的购买行为
Coordinated purchasing behavior refers to those low-frequency products with little brand difference, and there is a certain purchase risk when purchasing, such as mid-price products and services, such as beauty services, traveling services, etc. Therefore, consumers generally compare.
As long as the price is reasonable and the opportunity is appropriate, the consumer will decide to purchase; after purchase, consumers may feel some inconsistency or insufficient satisfaction, but they will learn more and seek various reasons to alleviate and resolve this inconsistency to prove that their purchase decision is correct.
当消费者高度介入某项产品的购买,但又看不出各厂牌有何 差异时,对所购产品往往产生失调感。因为消费者购买一些品牌差异不大的商品时,虽然他们 对购买行为持谨慎的态度,但他们的注意力更多地是集中在品牌价格是否优惠、购买时间、 地点是否便利,而不是花很多精力去收集不同品牌间的信息并进行比较,而且从产生购买动 机到决定购买之间的时间较短。因而这种购买行为容易产生购后的不协调感:即消费者购买 某一产品后,或因产品自身的某些方面不称心,或得到了其他产品更好的信息,从而产生不 该购买这一产品的后悔心理或心理不平衡。
为了改变这样的心理,追求心理的平衡,消费者 广泛地收集各种对已购产品的有利信息,以证明自己购买决定的正确性。为此,企业应通过 调整价格和售货网点的选择,并向消费者提供有利的信息,帮助消费者消除不平衡心理,坚 定其对所购产品的信心。
4. Customary buying behavior 习惯性的购买行为
Customary buying behavior refers to the simplest type of consumption behavior for products that are inexpensive, often purchased, and with small brand differences, such as daily necessities.
Consumers do not need to take the time to choose, nor do they need to go through a complex process of collecting information and evaluating product characteristics.