13 you for luxury consumption attitude is?
A reasonable purchase behavior and keen enthusiasts b. purchase
C. temporary ability but vision d. even consumption ability is not willing to spend money on luxuries
E. waste, resent luxury consumption behavior
F. think is the prerogative rich never think so
D. other they
14 if you have the conditions (money, time, etc.), you will never luxury consumption?
A. will B may cristiano will
15 you think influence the development of luxury market is the most important factor?
A. fake too much, consumption
B. luxury style is novel, or brand is full
C. luxury shopping centre
16 your habits or tend to buy luxury goods
A. stores buying
B. surgically friends and relatives of the purchase
C. purchasing via the Internet
17. Below are some major luxury consumption motivation, please choose according to the following options, the main part of your three consumer motivation sorting: [scheduling problem]
A: show wealth, status, etc
B: not to lead others 300-500
C. conformity: the other people all have, oneself also must be kept in groups, such as (circle of friends
D: as a gift, donative other social
E. quality pursuit: personal, family can enjoy product outstanding quality
F. self bounty and hedonism: give yourself an emotional moment obtain satisfies
G. performance products can express the inner self, your personality
And when you want to buy something luxury, they find enough money, so you will be
A. ask their parents for money, b. c. save yourself to others again d. other borrowed
19 when you of luxury, you can control yourself by money
A. b. will not
Luxury is a kind of consumer product that is beyond people's existence and development range, has unique, scarce, exotic characteristics.
本文概览:网上科普有关“英文翻译”话题很是火热,小编也是针对英文翻译寻找了一些与之相关的一些信息进行分析,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,希望能够帮助到您。13 you for luxu...